Wolfgard’s New Logo

I have an incredibly exciting announcemenWGNE-Wolf_1250x1250t for the Wolfgard audience: we have a brand new logo!  Our current logo (the one adorning the front page since the site was created) was meant to be temporary while we worked on developing a logo that matched the character and mission of our organization.  Thanks to the hard work of our graphic designer, we were able to use the logo for the first time at the Herricks Cove Wildlife Festival, and now, it’s finally online!

Many thanks to the designer, A. Follansbee, who took a lot of vague thoughts and musings from Adam and turned them into something beautiful.  Please check out more of his work here: http://luthrai.daportfolio.com/

We’re very excited to have an image to go along with our name and mission — a picture that is reminiscent of both mythological wolves and modern scientific thought.  Let’s not overlook the hint of a crescent moon.  Do you see it, too?

Associations between wolves and the moon are unavoidable in reading and listening to wolf stories.  While there is the popular connection between werewolves and transformation during the full moon, there’s an even deeper history.  Just as one example, in Norse Mythology, the giant wolf Hati chases the moon, Mani, around the world (his brother, Skoll, chases the sun).  The connection between wolf and the moon, with such rich cultural history, made it’s inevitable (yet subtle) appearance in our logo.

Three cheers to the designer, and we hope you enjoy the new face of Wolfgard!


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